Facility Job Postings

Big science facilities offer extensive and often unique opportunities to practice engineering. Despite this, due to the scarcity of neutron sources, their small size, and their dispersion around the globe, finding the right the position for you can be challenging.
Enjoy, we hope you find what your looking for…

A selection of the latest engineering postings

Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB)

Chief project manager of ICONE, the future French compact source

Postdoctoral position in neutron instrumentation at the CEA Saclay

Neutron scattering instrumentation around a compact neutron source

Jobs pages at member facilities

If by chance you do not find what you are looking for above, then do not despair, there are more just follow the link below to other job postings at one of the ISNIE member facilities….


Oak Ridge National Laboratory, USA


Research Neutron Source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II), Germany

ILL Grenoble, France

ISIS Didcot, UK

European Spallation Source (ESS) Lund, Sweden

Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland

If you are from a facility please do not hesitate to contact us with your postings
If your looking for one just follow the link and join us.