DENIM XIII Presentations Available

There was a record-setting number of presentations given at DENIM XIII, and they are now available in the DENIM Archives page, which is available after logging in. Posters from this meeting have now been added to the Archives. Not all the posters which were presented were submitted for archival, so if you don’t see your poster, please contact the ISNIE webmaster or the DENIM XIII committee.

Officer Election

In agreement with the ISNIE charter, ISNIE officers serve two-year terms, so new elections were held before DENIM, under the supervision of D. Anderson. The officers are nominated from and selected by the ISNIE Board .

Our ‘new’ officers for 2024-2026 period are:

President                         Iain Sutton (ESS, Sweden)
Secretary                         Sylvain Désert (LLB, France)
Webmaster                     Van Graves (ORNL, USA)
Communications            Scott Olsen (ANSTO, Australia)
Outreach                          Elbio Calzada (FRM2, Germany)

2024 Officers
2025/2026 ISNIE Officers. From L-R, Van Graves, Elbio Calzada, Scott Olsen, Iain Sutton, Sylvain Désert

DENIM XIII Completed

DENIM XIII was hosted by JPARC September 25-27, and it was a huge success! The meeting was well organized, the summer school went well, the presentations and posters were excellent, and the tours of the Instrument Hall, JRR-3 and RIKEN were great. The conference banquet set another high standard, and the impromptu karaoke set a standard of its own as well! Thanks to the organizers and sponsors who helped make this DENIM another smashing success! Presentations from the meeting will be available on this site in the near future. The conference website is still available for your reference: DENIM XIII

In the meantime, please stay healthy and safe, and keep in touch. Your questions are welcome, either via your local ISNIE facility representatives or directly through the contact link on the ISNIE website.


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